The best Indonesian football player is no longer a foreign game because it has a wide reach. With various competitions that are often held, this game is increasingly favored and recognized by various groups.
With the rapid popularity of this sport, it certainly makes its players instantly known. Among them, there must be players who are very superior.
Knowing the best Indonesian football players will also add insight into which of them are playing with qualified quality.
There are various names of the best Indonesian football players who are in the top position. With the quality of the skills they use, it will certainly make the match run exciting.
Seeing from this information we can also see who has scored a lot of goals in a match. This football game gave birth to many field stars in Indonesia who turned out to be unquestionable in their abilities.
Knowing the best Indonesian football player is also the reason why you idolize various names from the world of football. Of the many players, there is one name that is very legendary and remembered by many people. What is this name?
Bambang Pamungkas, Legendary Indonesian Football Player

One of the best Indonesian football players who has a skilled and good quality of play to date is Bambang Pamungkas.
In his heyday, he became one of the players the national team needed in various competitions. Before joining the national team, he was a player from one of the clubs, namely Persija.
The quality of the game is undoubtedly so that it is included in the selection of the best Indonesian football players who have become legends.
In information from various media, Bambang Pamungkas, known as Bepe, scored at least 38 times in the national team.
He has also captained the national team 85 times. With the quality of his play, he still plays occasionally even though he is no longer young.
His success in the world of football has made him known by Indonesians, especially when there is a soccer game in the sea games.
For his legendary name, he earned the title as The Legend from the Asian Football Confederation. Wow, isn’t it cool?
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That is the review of the best brilliant Indonesian football players that I can convey. Hopefully it can be useful information for you readers. / Aha
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